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Authentication ​

The file in src/authentication.ts sets up an authentication service and registers authentication strategies. Depending on the strategies you selected it looks similar to this:

import { AuthenticationService, JWTStrategy } from '@feathersjs/authentication'
import { LocalStrategy } from '@feathersjs/authentication-local'

import type { Application } from './declarations'

declare module './declarations' {
  interface ServiceTypes {
    authentication: AuthenticationService

export const authentication = (app: Application) => {
  const authentication = new AuthenticationService(app)

  authentication.register('jwt', new JWTStrategy())
  authentication.register('local', new LocalStrategy())

  app.use('authentication', authentication)

oAuth ​

Note that when selecting oAuth logins (Google, Facebook, GitHub etc.), the standard registered oAuth strategy only uses the <name>Id property to create a new user. This will fail validation against the default user schema which requires an email property to exist. If the provider (and user) allows fetching the email, you can customize the oAuth strategy like shown for GitHub in the oAuth authentication guide. You can also make the email in the schema optional with email: Type.Optional(Type.String()).

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